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Olympic Dreams, Polluted Streams

Olympic Dreams, Polluted Streams 

As the Paris 2024 Olympics take place, the River Seine, an iconic part of the city, is under the spotlight. While the Seine has been made swimmable for the Games, there’s a hidden threat lurking in its waters: PFAS contamination, a group of chemicals known as "forever chemicals."

What Are PFAS?

PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are man-made chemicals used in many products like non-stick pans, waterproof clothing, and firefighting foams. They’re called "forever chemicals" because they don’t break down easily in the environment. This means they can build up over time, leading to pollution in rivers and other water sources.

One of these chemicals, trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), has been found in high levels across European rivers, including the Seine. Unlike bacteria, which have been managed to ensure the water is safe for swimmers, these chemical pollutants haven’t been addressed as thoroughly.

Recent Findings: Widespread PFAS in European Waters

A study by Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) tested water in 10 European countries and found TFA in nearly all samples. The Seine, like many other rivers, showed contamination levels that exceed future European standards for safe drinking water. This raises concerns about the effectiveness of current water safety measures, which mainly focus on bacteria, not chemicals.

Why PFAS Are a Problem

PFAS contamination is a serious issue because these chemicals can build up in the human body and have been linked to health problems like cancer and immune system issues. With the Seine being used for Olympic events and set to be opened for public swimming after the Games, the presence of these chemicals could pose a risk to both athletes and the public.

The Importance of Proper Water Testing

To tackle this problem, it’s important to have thorough water testing that checks for chemicals like PFAS. This is where  Greyhound come in. We offer advanced products from a range of brands to ensure your PFAS analysis is accurate.


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Information was sourced from an article written by , read more HERE



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